It’s a well known practice, writing a letter to your future self. But one I forget to do on a regular basis. And while I embrace the idea, I think the better practice is to write a thank you note to your future self.

If you’re unfamiliar with the idea, here’s how it works. Rather than waiting to write your Christmas letter and tell everyone the highlights of your year (honor rolls for your kids, travels, snarky sentences to show how much sweeter your life is than that of your neighbors. . .okay, maybe that was me a decade ago, not you), write the Christmas letter now. 

But date if for a year from now. 

And write it as a thank you note. As in “Thank you, Bunny, for writing that second book that your heart was longing to finish. Thanks for starting to really walk three miles a day, because today I’m feeling amazing. Thanks for letting go of that anger at that family member that was dragging us down.”

Write a thank you letter to your future self, the self that will read this letter in a year and be grateful for the things you gave up and the things you added to your plate. 

Here’s a few of the things I’m putting in my thank you note to my future self this week.

“Thanks for learning to say no as frequently as you say yes.”

“Thanks for getting that book proposal written and the framework done so you could complete the book you were finding it hard to focus on.” 

“Thanks for being brave when it was needed.”

“Thanks for starting to really walk three miles a day.”

“Thanks for finding ways to diversify the Cancer Foundation’s fundraising streams.”

“Thanks for getting that mammogram.”

We owe ourselves gratitude every day. This really is an amazing life. 

And while you’re writing a thank you note to your future self, you might as well throw one in to a mentor who changed your life. Gratitude tends to not only change your life; it changes the lives of those who hear it from you.

I’m grateful for all of you. 

Thanks for checking in.

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