Ever wonder what your return on investment (ROI) is? Can you actually get a return on coming from contribution?

If you’re a business owner, you obsess about ROI. Every time you run a print ad or a Facebook ad, every time you pay for a training, every time you do a logo redesign.

Every time you spend a dime, you worry about whether you’re going to get a return.

Because if you’re not going to get a return, you need to take that expenditure out of your rotation, right?

But do you consider your ROI on your investments of time? Do you think about what the results will be from certain behaviors?

What return does Coming From Contribution get you?

My friend and colleague Don Aldrich is a Realtor with Keller Williams and the Kristan Cole Network in Scottsdale. We met at least three times at training events before we realized we were kindred spirits, believing in mindset as much as we believed in hard work and pounding the pavement.

Every day, Don sends out an email with a BOLD law and an explanation of what the law means and how to implement it in real life, real time (BOLD is a Keller Williams training program that changed my life). And every day, I gather at minimum a nugget of inspiration. Most days I’m blown away by his insights.

Here’s what Don sent me today (I think he’d be happy to add you to his email list – find him at donaldrich@kw.com):

Come from contribution today in all that you do.

You know that when you give, you always get it back in some way. It may not be from the person or situation that you gave it to and payback may not be right away , but you always receive it back in some fashion . And, you may receive it back ten-fold over what you contributed…Pay it forward and karma takes care of the rest !

Yeah but , what’s in it for me ? You may catch yourself thinking that right ? The truth is , it may not be obvious as to what your return may be and, possibly there is no return at all ? How do you know ? Just doing the right thing at the moment is always the right thing, regardless of a perceived future benefit.

A positive return usually exists and there may be a long term benefit that is unknown at the time of giving…you just can’t see it or know about it that far in advance…don’t you feel good just giving it away anyway ?

It costs nothing for a smile or a kind word or to wait a moment to hold a door open for a stranger , right ? We don’t know if our kind gesture is then repeated by the person we gave to and , if they pass it forward and it’s repeated many times over , your one act of kindness can impact a lot of people…

Just throw a big rock into a still pond and watch the ripples spread out…same thing…when you come from contribution today…

And this from Bunny: Thanks for checking in! Let me know what return you get from coming from contribution today.

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