I always hesitate with a Wednesday Wisdom quote, only because I never want to sound preachy.

But this quote came to me at about 4:45 a.m., right before I was beginning to do my final prep for my leadership talk with the Miale Team in Hartford, CT. This #1 selling Keller Williams real estate team meets every Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m. Which is 6:30 a.m. where I live. Which means that I woke up at 4:30 a.m. with my head full of words I wanted to share.

My own version of Wednesday Wisdom.

And going through an old notebook of mine, I saw this:

“What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?” George Eliot

I talk about coming from contribution a lot, especially when I’m coaching Realtors. I believe that if you’re coming from contribution, you can’t lose.

And coming from contribution equals making life less difficult for each other, right?

Today, I shared my story with eighteen or twenty Realtors in Connecticut, and hopefully one of them took away a point that will make their life less difficult today. And maybe that less difficult life/day will make the life of their clients and coworkers less difficult. Their family.

And so on and so on and so on.

I’m not a master at this. I’m pretty sure there are folks out there that I pissed off last month, disappointed in the last year, spoke angrily to sometime in the 90s, and failed to satisfy decades ago. I have no doubt that I’ve made life MORE difficult for a few people I’ve come in contact with.

But starting right here, right now is the best I can do in this moment.

So, how about I work on making life less difficult for someone today?

Will you join me?

Thanks for checking in. I’d love to hear how you make someone’s life less difficult, especially if it was yours.

(By the way, I wish someone had taken a screenshot of that group. They were rock stars in real estate land. I was so pumped to be asked to speak with them. If you’re in Connecticut and need to hire a Realtor, contact the Miale Team. Tell them I sent you!)

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